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Online Donations

You Can Help
Your contribution helps FWA support the capital and training needs of radio stations and networks.

You Can Help!

Please Contribute! Your contribution helps FWA support the capital and training needs of radio stations and networks. Examples include:
$50 - Voice recorder for journalists
$300 - Mixing board
$400 - Training for a technician
$500 - Computer and software
$3,500 - Mobile broadcast unit
$4,000 - Motorcycle for reporters
$6,000 - 500 watt transmitter
$7,000 - Antennae and 150 ft.
broadcast tower
$8,000 - Generator to power a
radio station

To access our secure online donation page, please click here.

If you would prefer to mail your donation, send your check to:
The Foundation For West Africa
219 Washington Road
Barrington, RI 02806

Please make your check payable to: The Foundation For West Africa. The Foundation For West Africa is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization based in Rhode Island. Your contribution is tax deductible.